
WonderMeat 3 Packs

RM 16.00 Member Price
Retail Price : RM 17.40

This Item Include:
WonderMeat by GoodMorning 
"WonderMeat, Wonder Life" 
"植入希望 植出未来"
Malaysia's First Dry-Mix Complete Nutrition Plant-Based Meat 
An affordable, tasty & nutritious meal for everyone! 

WonderMeat is a plant-based meat with complete nutrition in dry form enriched with Ca-HMB and 28 types vitamins & minerals. WonderMeat is high in protein and dietary fiber and made from non-GMO soya and pea. WonderMeat is a packet of a complete nutrition meal and for sure, a tasty yet affordable choice for you! 
WonderMeat 是一款营养全面的粉状植物肉,富含 Ca-HMB 以及 28 种维生素和矿物质。WonderMeat 富含蛋白质和膳食纤维,由非转基因的大豆和豌豆所制。WonderMeat 是一份完整的营养餐,绝对是您美味又实惠的选择!

1.Dry Form. 干粉状
2.Required No Cold Storage. 无需冷藏储存
3.Complete Nutrition & Affordable. 完整营养和可负担
4.Longer Shelf Life. 保质期更长
5.Easy to Prepare. 易于准备
6.High in Dietary Fiber 高膳食纤维 Dietary fiber offers several health benefits to the human including prevent constipation and controlling blood sugar level. 高膳食纤维提供多种健康益处,包括预防便秘和稳定血糖水
7.High in Protein & Ca-HMB 高蛋白质和 Ca-HMB The protein content from soya and pea and Ca-HMB which aid in muscle strength and prevent muscle loss. 大豆和豌豆中的蛋白质含量及 Ca-HMB 有助于增强肌肉力量并预防肌肉流失
8.28 Vitamins and Minerals 28 种维生素和矿物 28 Vitamins and Minerals plays an important role for body functions, immune function and maintain health. 28 种维生素和矿物质对身体机,免疫功能和维持健康起着重要作用
9.Trans Fat Free. 零反式脂肪
10.Cholesterol Free. 零胆固醇
11.No Preservatives. 无防腐剂
12.No Garlic and Onion. 无五辛

Suitable for Whom? 适合食用人群?
1.Vegan & Vegetarian. 纯素食者,素食者
2.Group of Family. 一家人
3.Food Service & Industry. 食品服务与工业

Easy Steps to Prepare: 轻松简单地准备: 
1.Mix the oil, cold water and dry-mix plant-based meat into a bowl. 将油,冷水和植物肉粉加入碗中
2.Let it chill in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. 放入冰箱冷藏 15-30 分钟
3.Shape into patty, meatball or any shape you like. 做成肉饼,肉丸子或任何喜欢的形状
4.Cook your own way and now ready to eat! 按照自己的方式烹饪,就可以享用啦!